Oh I could go for a fika right now. Reading a book about fika might almost suffice. Fika is Swedish for "take a break and a have a treat". Right now. Anytime. The more the better.
Image from little book: Tid för en fika by Janette Bornmarker.
2 selections from Ardour Bookbinding B'Zaar. There are "umpteen" send-able envelopes to choose from. She has a small gallery of her envelopes that have been sent out, becoming more decorated in transit...here.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Going through old internet bookmarks. Still love this Apartment Therapy story on Jill Pilotte's home. Jill runs online studio/shop Small Stump. Her place is a totally soothing form of inspiration.
Also, happy birthday A!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Calm bedrooms. I think I would like to be in bed this very minute.
Photographs by artist Nina Katchadourian from the Sorted Books project. The project is, in her words: "culling through a collection of books, pulling particular titles, and eventually grouping the books into clusters so that the titles can be read in sequence, from top to bottom."
You can see many more examples if you click on Sorted Books above.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Oh just a pretty dress for a sunny day.
Dress by Isabel Marant. Sizes 0,1, & 2 currently 30% off at Totokaelo (i think only at the brick and mortar in Seattle).