Monday, August 31, 2009

This picture says "Back to School" to me. I love it.

Via Sartorialist.
You can click on the picture to see the details.
handmade postcards by Robayre, from whom I once bought a bag full of paper scraps...a great investment in curing the boring afternoons of tomorrow!

Friday, August 28, 2009

From the awesome/beautiful league of functional objects.

Cups by Stepanka Ceramics.
Almost the weekend!
Sounders game and breakfast with the best guys ever on Saturday
and hiking with Dad and Anni on Sunday~ can't wait : )

"Dancing" picture by matteart

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Moment(s) of zen

...via guest bloggers Perfect Bound [top] and Happy Mundane at decor8.
It's bit after the fact but thank you for your work John Hughes, wherever you may be!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today is Wednesday which means another Slate Culture podcast down the pipeline. I look forward to this intellectual take-down of our nation's weekly pop culture output more than words can say.

This week marked the end of the "Sketch Steve" contest wherein podcast listeners took a gamble at drawing the mysterious Stephen Metcalf (one of three hosts) and the only host to abstain from posting a photograph of himself on the podcast facebook page.

The sketch at the top was submitted by artist Ian Dingman and earned an honorable mention. He's also the artist behind the cover art of Wes Anderson's Criterion Collection DVDs.
Take a look at his beautiful, spare artwork here. I especially like this one.

I could kick around in these happily. From Seattle dream store Totokaelo.

Friday, August 21, 2009

This ensemble makes me happy to be alive.

(click on the picture to see detail)

from The Sartorialist

Thursday, August 20, 2009

a winter-y image for a summer-y time.

the stars are against me tonight by dkim

also internet inspiration interceded. i now know what to do with all the security envelopes collected.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

From the Mixed up Files of the Mrs. All-Around-Design-Wise-Lady.

From her new house on a hill in Seattle. Thanks for sharing Emmy!

"flowers that never wither - make a garland, glue or stitch them to whatever needs a little color" (artist's words)

In the cheap little treat file: $5 for 10 flowers [Flecto]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

i'm back. trying to catch up on sleep and enjoy every moment of sun. see below for a few snaps from the weekend in portland, OR.

how are you?

***"hello" magnet by zoetropa. just got a sketchbook for M from this talented lady with the simple lines.

just the right amount of time in portland.
can't wait to go back already.
walking, coffee, walking, vintage everything, walking, pastrami, sigh
scoped out some great stuff. Oblation , Reading Frenzy , Canoe
next on the curiosity list: Independent Publishing Resource Center