A few snaps from my glorious two week work reprieve. Annika's friend Amandine is returning to Quebec tomorrow after a long visit. It's sad to see her go, not least of all because she takes her crepe-making skills with her. Annika and Amandine met in Sweden five years ago as exchange students (can it really be so long ago?) so it was perfect to have a Swedish Christmas dinner (meatballs courtesy of IKEA). We completed two massive puzzles, watched untold episodes of The Office and the new BBC Sherlock, worked on necklaces (working on a logo for the business with
Michael's help) and of course ate a bazillion cookies. At some point family friends made it a tradition to drop off plates of cookies in the days leading up to Christmas, which keeps us well supplied. Naturally the Madsens have to mix it up. We've given mustards, pickled green beans, freezer jams...
...and no Christmas Eve is complete without teary blood-soaked war of
Blink! I seriously prepare all year long. Results below: