Thursday, January 13, 2011

"The Mountain is Out"

My blogger and childhood buddy Brittany of Little Ditties inspired me to seek out lovely Washington state creations.

And since it's on topic: my super-talented-in-many-ways friend Alex recently published "11 Ways to Spot a Native Seattleite". Check it out. Seriously informative stuff.

1. Aruppel (she has a GREAT shop) 2. pillow, LoveCalifornia 3. necklace, Truche
4. Atlantis Prints 5. pin, Parsnip&Pear (...if I had to choose sides.)


Brittany Rossman said...

ahh I love it...for some reason I still consider you an Oregonian even though you moved when we were what? 7??

Anna said...

i can't get over how cool that 1st print of washington is!