Wednesday, February 23, 2011


*Moment of Zen* from the ol' archive.

We're all wondering where the promised snow storm is in Seattle. Snow one minute and bursts of sunshine the next. Such a low-key winter in this corner of the country, compared to the rest. I need to get ready for the snow in Minneapolis when I see Karin in March. Can't wait!


Brian said...

You take such beautiful pictures - this one really makes me miss Seattle. I love Carkeek Park :)

Karin Newstrom said...

You better be ready for snow! It's been the 10th snowiest winter ever, here, and it's only February! March is historically the snowiest month, too. Better bring your mitts! :)

Karin Newstrom said...

PS - Can't wait, either!

PPS- Beautiful image--I love it.

Britt said...

Agh! I'm nervous I don't have the proper attire. I DO have the mittens you knit me though; wore them all day actually!