Tuesday, September 27, 2011



I'm having a hard time keeping my life in order these days. I left my job of which I was very tired for a new exciting job (and two other smaller jobs, one new - one old,  on the side). In this time of no jobs, believe me when I say, no pun intended that I am jazzed about this new project, and grateful.

But I'm taking a closer look at my priorities lately and at the top of the list are: stay employed (I didn't say this wasn't going to be obvious!) and my friends and family. Couple this with the fact that I'm just not that inspired to create lately and well, what I'm trying to say is that I think this blog and I are going to take a sabbatical. To the end of the calendar year to be precise. And then I may have a new blog scheme cooked up. Or not. But I'm leaving any and all possibilities open. Maybe a group blog. Is that even a thing? Anyone interested in a design-y group blog? Hmmmm. Alright now I'm just thinking out loud.

So I will say thanks muchisimo for your presence in my life. It means a lot to me. If you're on my email list I'll send one out in the new year with the new Raccoon Rain (or whatever this little space becomes). I will be leaving my shop on Etsy open in case a bolt of energy strikes me but in general anything of note I'll put in an email straight to your mailbox.


1 comment:

HRS said...

I understand but I am very sad as well. I hope you do return and if you could make sure I am on your mailing list I would really like that: