Some older snaps from Portland, OR. Would like to get there again as soon as possible. I love Seattle but I would love a change of scenery too!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Around the studio. I'm working on new necklaces with leather cord.
Friday, February 17, 2012
We had a gorgeous weekend recently. Of course that weekend passed and not it's back to good old Seattle gloom. I took all these pictures at the farmer's market in nearby Ballard.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
We did have some snow around these parts. Although a three day snow storm in Seattle is such a zany interlude. It comes on strong and then leaves just about as soon as it gets here. Lucky for me I can easily work from home for a few days so I didn't much have to brave the elements. I spent part of the first day traipsing across the Aurora Bridge in sideways sleet and made it to Kerry Park for the view (which you can see too in the top picture).