A little note: If you would like to get my "Grand Opening" email (and a special discount code!) when the Raccoon Rain shop goes live, please send an email message to raccoonrain@gmail.com. This should go without saying but I will never ever share your address with anyone and you can unsubscribe from shop updates at any time.
Thanks for all the love and support you've already shown me with this blog and getting my shop ready. A special shout out to
Michael for many a photo-shoot, and many a photo-shoot to come.
This process has been incredibly fruitful as a learning experience and a lesson in checking the details
twice (says the gal who has to re-order her
MOO cards and bought a domain name she no longer needs). Two steps forward, one step back, then a side skip...and we're almost there.
And a bit(e) of summer too. It's not all work and no play.